February 16, 2017
What Happened:
- 19 Page document released
- Outlines key provisions of the Republican healthcare Platform
- 4 Key Tenets of Proposal:
- Modernize Medicaid
- Utilize State Innovation Grants
- Enhance HSAs
- Provide Monthly Tax Credits
- Suggests ACA tax items that will likely be eliminated
- Individual mandate penalties
- Employer mandate penalties
- Cadillac tax
- Health Insurance, Rx, and medical device industry taxes
What Supporters Say
- There is no fix to Obamacare
- These changes will achieve the following objectives:
- Move healthcare decisions away from Washington to the states
- Provide coverage protections and peace of mind
- Make health insurance more affordable
- Fix marketplace difficulties
- Enhance competition
What Critics Say
- Changes may cause collapse of individual marketplace
- Reduces support for low-income families
- Proposed changes will restrict accessibility and will not lower cost
Stay tuned as events progress...